Full mailbox access, send as



Add full mailbox access for a user:

$mailbox = Read-host "Mailbox to be actioned upon"; $user = Read-host "User to be assigned full mailbox access"; Add-MailboxPermission -User $user -AccessRights 'FullAccess' -Identity $mailbox

Add full mailbox access for a user (without automapping):

$mailbox = Read-host "Mailbox to be actioned upon"; $user = Read-host "User to be assigned full mailbox access"; Add-MailboxPermission -User $user -AccessRights 'FullAccess' -Identity $mailbox -Automapping $false

Remove full mailbox access for a user:

$mailbox = Read-host "Mailbox to be actioned upon"; $user = Read-host "User to have full mailbox access REMOVED"; Remove-MailboxPermission -User $user -AccessRights 'FullAccess' -Identity $mailbox -Confirm:$false


Add 'send as' permission for a user:

$mailbox = Read-host "Mailbox to be actioned upon"; $user = Read-host "User to be assigned send-as permission"; Get-Mailbox $mailbox | Add-ADPermission -User $user -Extendedrights "Send As" 

Remove 'send as' permission for a user:

$mailbox = Read-host "Mailbox to be actioned upon"; $user = Read-host "User to have send-as permission REMOVED"; Get-Mailbox $mailbox | Remove-ADPermission -User $user -Extendedrights "Send As" -Confirm:$false

Monitor message queues & alert


[string]$smtpserver = <HTServer>
[string]$recipient = <e-mail of recipient for alerts>

[string]$hostserver = $env:computername

[string]$sender = $hostname + "@" + ($recipient -split ("@"))[1]
write-host -foregroundcolor Cyan "This script will monitor message queues and create an alert if the queue message count threshold is exceeded"
$threshold = read-host "Specify a value for the threshold"
write-host -foregroundcolor Cyan "The timeout between messages is configurable"
$timeout = read-host "Specify a timeout in seconds"
$mins = $timeout/60
$HTS = (Get-ExchangeServer | ?{$_.IsHubTransportServer -eq "True"})
while($true){foreach ($HT in $HTS){Get-queue -server $HT | ?{$_.MessageCount -gt $threshold -and $_.DeliveryType -ne "ShadowRedundancy"}
$Queue = Get-queue -server $HT | ?{$_.MessageCount -gt $threshold -and $_.DeliveryType -ne "ShadowRedundancy"}
if ($Queue.MessageCount -gt $threshold -and $Queue.DeliveryType -ne "ShadowRedundancy"){write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "Sent mail"; $MSGQueue = $Queue | out-string; Send-MailMessage -To $recipient -From $sender -Subject "Queues alert - threshold=$threshold, timeout to next alert $mins minute(s)" -body "A message queue has triggered an alert: $MSGQueue" -SmtpServer $smtpserver; sleep $timeout}}; write-host -foregroundcolor green "Script running... Timeout="$timeout" second(s), Queue message threshold= "$threshold; sleep 5}