An FYI with regards to moving mailboxes from Exchange 2010 back to Exchange 2003.
If you do this through EMC, you cannot monitor it through EMS. It thinks that no move requests exist.
When you try and do this through EMS, it won’t recognize the Exchange 2003 Target Database. In order to select an Exchange 2003 Mailbox Database you have to specify it’s GUID. The ways to do this that I found on the web either didn’t work or were too cumbersome.
So I looked in the Exchange Management Shell log and found a command that EMC had run to identify the database and found that you can get the database GUID from there. Put it all together and what you get is:
Get-MailboxDataBase -IncludePreExchange2010 | select identity,guid
Simples (as Bob would say).
So now I can insert the database GUID into my EMS move request:
And hey presto, I can monitor the move request process with the following:
moverequests = get-MoveRequest ; foreach ($moverequest in $moverequests) {Get-MoveRequestStatistics $moverequest | select Alias,DisplayName,StartTimestamp,TotalQueuedDuration,PercentComplete,BytesTransferred,StatusDetail,SourceDatabase,TargetDatabase,Status,TotalinProgressDuration,OverallDuration}
or stick it in a script that refreshes (e.g. Monitor-MoveRequests.ps1):
$moverequests = get-MoveRequest ; get-exchangeserver | ?{$_.IsE14OrLater -eq 'True'}
$A = (get-host).UI.RawUI
$A.WindowTitle = "Monitor Mailbox Move requests"
$B = $A.windowsize
$B.width = 150
$B.height = 65
$A.WindowSize = $B
while ($true) {cls; foreach ($moverequest in $moverequests) {Get-MoveRequestStatistics $moverequest | select Alias,DisplayName,StartTimestamp,TotalQueuedDuration,PercentComplete,BytesTransferred,StatusDetail,SourceDatabase,TargetDatabase,Status,TotalinProgressDuration,OverallDuration}
;sleep 5}
Note that I am throwing the last two scripts into the mix just to show off. I came up with this so that I can review mailbox moves through EMS as they are then reviewed in one window rather than opening and closing GUI windows to get them to refresh. Don't forget that your target Exchange 2003 mailbox database must have a valid System Mailbox or else the move will fail. If it doesn't have one but there is another Exchange 2003 mailbox database that does, move the mailbox to there and then move it again using System Manager.
N.B. Always test your rollback plan. It's better than an unforeseen forced new career plan!