
Re-vamping this blog a bit. You'll notice that I do often like to squeeze my scripts into one-liners a lot of the time.

Basic Progress bar

$T1="Processing ";$T2=" (";$T3=" of ";$T4=")";$cnt=0

$cnt++;$Act=$T1+$var.identity+$T2+$cnt+$T3+$vars.count+$T4;$pc=(($cnt/$vars.count)*100);$pcs=[String]([System.Math]::Round($pc,0))+"`% complete";Write-Progress -PercentComplete $pc -Activity $Act -Status $pcs

Here is an example. This will get the mailbox databases in the Org and check whether they are on their Activation Preference 1 and provide output to the screen. I have more elaborate scripts but this is just to show how the progress bar works. Exchange 2007 & later, EMS - PS 2.0

$T1="Processing ";$T2=" (";$T3=" of ";$T4=")";$cnt=0

$dbs=get-mailboxdatabase | ?{$_.ReplicationType -ne "None"} | sort -unique | sort name

foreach ($db in $dbs){

$cnt++;$Act=$T1+$$T2+$cnt+$T3+$dbs.count+$T4;$pc=(($cnt/$dbs.count)*100);$pcs=[String]([System.Math]::Round($pc,0))+"`% complete";Write-Progress -PercentComplete $pc -Activity $Act -Status $pcs

$mdb = Get-MailboxDatabase $db | Select ActivationPreference,Server

$DbPrefSvr=$mdb.ActivationPreference | ?{$_.value -eq 1}

If ($DbPref -ne $DbNowSrv){write-host -foregroundcolor yellow $DB "is on" $DbNowSrv "but should be on" $DbPref}


View entire forest

$CheckADServerSettings = Get-AdServerSettings; if(($CheckADServerSettings).ViewEntireForest -ne $true){Set-ADServerSettings -viewentireforest $true}

This one is useful if you have a Forest Root and you're working from a sub domain. I get that more often than you'd think. Exchange 2007 & later, EMS - PS 2.0