Fixing Failed and Suspended DB copies

*N.B. this is an old article and may no longer be relevant*

I was looking for something in my archive e-mail and stumbled across this script for Exchange 2010.

One of the things I have observed is that database copies easily fail if you have repeated failovers and switchovers with little or no traffic. As what happens when you are testing a new environment.

It's not one of my scripts, so I'm not taking credit for it.

Here is the script listed in the article:

add-pssnapin *0* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$startstring="Start script run at:  "
Start-Transcript -Append -Force -Path 'C:\<path>\DBHealthFix.log'
#gets list of mailboxservers, locates 2010 servers, gets db copy status, finds copies that are failed, updates failed copies
$mailboxservers = get-mailboxserver | get-exchangeserver | ?{$_.IsE14OrLater -eq 'True'}
foreach ($mailboxserver in $mailboxservers){
get-mailboxdatabasecopystatus -Server $ | ?{$_.Status -like 'FailedAndSuspended'} | update-mailboxdatabasecopy -deleteexistingfiles -confirm:$false

I don't know any rocket scientists, which is okay because it doesn't need one to work out that you need to replace "<path>" in the script with an appropriate folder name.