Powershell remoting

I always configure my new Exchange servers for remote management and Powershell remoting but also run commands on each server. Sometimes these are commands that I want to run in a disconnected session but the default for MaxShellsPerUser is set to 5, which can cause issues with running remote scripts. The value is by design as per this article (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2010/05/03/configuring-wsman-limits.aspx) but if you know what you're doing (and you should do if you're trying to overcome this problem) then raising the value to 25 is not harmful. Unfortunately I couldn't do this remotely (by design to prevent malicious reconfiguration), but it's a simple one liner on each server:

$l = Get-Location; cd WSMan:\localhost\Shell; Set-Item .\MaxShellsPerUser 25; dir; Set-Location $l

If I break that down - assigning the current location to a variable just allows us to return to the same place afterwards; change to WSMan path; modify the value; show some output; return to the original location

Now I can run remote commands without exceeding the MaxShells limit, such as this one for restarting the Exchange Transport service on multiple servers:

$s = new-pssession -computername SERVER1, SERVER2, SERVER3
invoke-command -session $s {$h = Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport}

More info on Powershell remoting can be found at: