101 Relay Connectors – A basic Receive Connector can be used to allow hosts to relay internally. By adding an AD Permission, you can allow hosts to relay externally. So why not create two relay connectors?
New-ReceiveConnector -Server
New-ReceiveConnector -Server
Get-ReceiveConnector | ?{$_.name -like "Allowed to Relay Externally*"} | Add-ADPermission -User "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" -ExtendedRights "ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient"
So now we have Relay Connectors, but adding IP Addresses to them is not such a simple task. When you use Set-ReceiveConnector –RemoteIPRanges the existing values get overwritten.
I tried to apply the instruction given in article http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/bb684908(v=exchg.150).aspx as follows:
Set-ReceiveConnector <RelayConnector> –RemoteIPRanges @{Add=””}
It should have worked. But it didn’t :-(
So I tried this instead: http://exchangepedia.com/2007/02/how-to-update-multi-valued-attributes-in-powershell.html as follows:
$var= Get-ReceiveConnector <RelayConnector>; $var.RemoteIPRanges +=””; $var | Set-ReceiveConnector "RelayConnector"
And even:
$var= Get-ReceiveConnector <RelayConnector>; Get-Content .\IPs.txt | foreach {$rc.RemoteIPRanges += "$_"}; $var | Set-ReceiveConnector
Still no joy :-(
I don't want to have to do this in EMC. I may have a load of addresses to add. And the trouble with listing them is that the buffer size of the Exchange Management Shell causes the field to be truncated. Even after using Out-String. So what’s the quickest and easiest way to append IP addresses to a receive connector?
By using the ‘View Exchange Management Shell Command Log’ (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ee332355.aspx). If you add one IP address (e.g. then you’ll see the command that was run to add it, listing all the existing values. Copy, paste, massage in notepad and use in EMS to add the additional IP addresses or ranges. E.g.:
Set-ReceiveConnector -Identity 'SERVER01\Allowed to Relay Internally SERVER01' -RemoteIPRanges '', ''
And then to list multiple IP addresses or address ranges in a Receive Connector's RemoteIPRanges property:
(Get-ReceiveConnector "RelayConnector").RemoteIPRanges | ft Lowerbound,Upperbound,RangeFormat -AutoSize